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mar345dtb - data acquisition program for the 345mm mar research Imaging Plate Detector System mounted on the Desktop Beamline (dtb)


mar345dtb [ OPTION ]


mar345dtb is a Motif-based graphical user interface for operating the mar345 Imaging Plate Detector System mounted on the Desktop Beamline (dtb). The program functions are:


Command line options always have precedence over value given in the configuration file. All documentation about how to actually use the features of the graphical user interface must be looked up in the html documentation.

Starts program in administrator mode.
Default: start in non-administrator mode.

-c, --colors COLORS
No. of colors to use for image display.
Default: -c 64

-dtb, -base HOSTNAME PORT-NO
Hostname (or IP-address) and socket port number to use for the dtb.
Default: -dtb 4451

-mar345, -scanner, -detector HOSTNAME PORT-NO
Hostname (or IP-address) and socket port number to use for the mar345 detector.
Default: -mar 4441

Hostname (or IP-address) and socket port number to use for the marmux GeniX micro-source generator.
Default: -mar 502

Hostname (or IP-address) to use for the the dtb.
Default: --host

-p, --port PORT-NO
Socket port number to use for the dtb.
Default: -p 4451

-d, --default SCANMODE
Default scanmode to use for the mar345 detector. At program startup, the scanner will be set to the requested scanmode.
Default: current scanmode

--debug NUMBER
Sets an undocumented flag for debugging purposes.
Default: --debug 0

-g, --geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT[+X+Y]
Width and height and location of the main window at program startup.
Default: taken from configuration file.

-h, --help
Prints usage summary

-hw, --hardware
Start programs without any hardware support (dtb, mar345, marmux, mar555).

Hostname for mardtb.
Default: taken from configuration file (

-i, --init NUMBER
Hexcode for commands to be executed at program startup. The command can be any combination of: 0x01 (synchronize controller times with computer time), 0x02 (get firmware version), 0x04 (close shutter), 0x08 (adjust ADC offsets), 0x10 (turn on high voltage) and 0x20 (lock image plate).
Default: taken from configuration file.

-g, --gear NUMBER
Force a special gear for the mardtb PHI axis. By default, the mardtb automatically determines the gear from the movement parameters. The result can be that an exposure time of e.g. 5 seconds with a PHI range of 1 deg. may take only 4.8 sec. To force a 1:1 ratio, "-g 0" could be used. In any case, NUMBER is from 0-4.

Force usage of mar345s detector with fast scan modes 5 to 8 even if standard mar345 detector is configured in configuration file.
Default: taken from configuration file.

+mar345, +345
Force usage of mar345 detector at host and port 4441 even if disabled in configuration file.

Force usage of marmux generator even if disabled in configuration file.
Default: taken from configuration file.

-n, --nodisp
Don’t pop up the image display window at program startup.
Default: pop up image display window.

Don’t create colorful program icons. This may save some colors on 8-bit color screens. Obsolete on 24-bit color screens.
Default: create icons.

-no345, -nodet, -345
Start program without opening connection to the mar345 detector.
Default: taken from configuration file.

Start program without sample changer additions.
Default: taken from configuration file.

Start program without opening connection to the dtb.
Default: taken from configuration file.

Start program without graphical user interface.
Default: use GUI.

Start program without opening connection to the marmux generator.
Default: taken from configuration file.

Start program without opening message port for dtb messages.
Default: use message port.

-novideo, -vid
Don’t use the video interface even if configured.
Default: taken from configuration file.

-p, --port NO
Portnumber to talk to mardtb.
Default: taken from configuration file (4451)

-print STRING
Print additional status block information. STRING can be: TASK (print all changes in task status), DIO (print all changes in digital I/O bits), ADC (print all ADC value readings), ERROR (print all error numbers in status block) or CAN <ID> (print all bits for CAN-motor with identifier <ID><). Multiple --print options are allowed.
Default: no additional prints.

-rev, --reverse_phi
Drive PHI axis by default in opposite direction. Sometimes needed for special hardware. Default: drive phi axis clockwise.

-server, -socket, -tcp PORT-NO
Port number to use when driving the program via TCP/IP-socket connections. This overrides possible settings in the configuration file. The default is not to open the TCP/IP-socket
Default: unused

-s, --simulate
Do not attempt to use any hardware for testing GUI.

-v, --verbose
Increases verbosity level. May be given several times.

Show program version and exit.


The following logical names must be assigned:

Root directory for mar software distribution.

Location of scanner specific calibration and and dtb specific configuration files.

Three-digit serial number of scanner.

Three-digit serial number of dtb. In most cases, this value should

be identical to MAR_SCANNER_NO

Directory where log files will go.

Directory containing documentation (html and man pages).

Input Files

The program requires the following input files:
Scanner specific calibration table used for transformation of the images collected with 0.15 mm pixelsize.
Scanner specific calibration table used for transformation of the images collected with 0.10 mm pixelsize.
Scanner and dtb specific configuration file (ASCII).
HTML documentation.

$MARLOGDIR/dtb.dat (optional):
Contains parameters from latest program session.

$MARLOGDIR/mar345dtb.csh (optional):
Shell script for running external commands. This file must be executable. The number of arguments is variable.

Output Files

The program produces the following output files:
Contains the version number of the latest log file.

Latest log file. NO ranges from 1 to 99 and is increased with each call of the program. If NO > 99, NO = 1.

Optional output, if keyword USE STATS is given in the configuration file. The NO ranges from 1 to 99 and is increased with each call of the program. If NO > 99, NO = 1.
Optional output containing native messages of the mar345 controller.
Optional output containing native messages of the dtb controller.
Optional output of a status file updated in regular interval, containing the most relevant status information. To enable output, use keyword STATUS <interval> in the configuration file. The interval is in milliseconds. If the environment variable MARSTATUSFILE is not defined, the default file name will be $MARLOGDIR/dtb.status.
Binary file containing a history of the ionization chamber readings. The NO ranges from 1 to 99 and is increased with each call of the program. If NO > 99, NO = 1.
ASCII file containing ionization chamber readings as function of a motor movement of the dtb ("scan"). The NO ranges from 1 to 99 and is increased with each scan. If NO > 99, NO = 1.
Binary file containing the result of a beam profile determination. The NO ranges from 1 to 99 and is increased with each profile run. If NO > 99, NO = 1.

Note: The program will automatically set links $MARLOGDIR/mar.log and optionally $MARLOGDIR/mar.lp and $MARLOGDIR/mar.spy to the latest files in use.

See Also

Actual program usage must be looked up in the html documentation of program mar345dtb.


Claudio Klein, marXperts GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany


© Copyright 2000-2016 marXperts GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany


marXperts GmbHPhone: +49 - (40) - 529 884-0
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